Saturday, November 20, 2010

No Posting in FOREVER

Sorry to those who are following my blog, I haven't been with it and posting anything. Kinda stopped the weightloss goal.  Me and my husband found out we are pregnant!!!  After 3 prevous miscarriages I am a little on edge with nerves.  So  I am trying to just keep myself healthy and stress-free. Went to the Dr yesterday and had our 2nd ultra sound.  Little baby was wiggling so much that they had a hard time getting the heartbeat.  Finally they got it and everything is looking good, I am 10 weeks along tomorrow. Found out I have a blood clotting disorder and that I will have to be on some heavy duty blood thinners which is kinda freakin me out.  Anyways just thought I would drop a line saying I haven't forgotten about you all and let ya know whats new in my world.  Thanks for reading!